AP Computer Science Prerequisites

AP Computer Science Prerequisites

If you’re interested in taking AP computer science, there are a few prerequisites you’ll need to meet.  In this post, we’ll outline what you need to know before taking AP CS, and we’ll also provide some tips on how to prepare forAP computer science.

Table of Contents


AP Computer Science Prerequisites

The prerequisites for AP Computer Science vary from school to school, but most require at least one year of high school English and math, including Algebra 1 or higher.

Some schools also recommend that students have experience with functions and function notation before enrolling in AP Computer Science.

While not all of these prerequisites are strictly necessary, they can help prepare students for the rigors of the course and improve their chances of success.

With a solid foundation in these core concepts, students will be well-positioned to succeed in AP Computer Science and ultimately use their skills in college and their careers.


AP Computer Science Principles Prerequisites

AP Computer Science Principles is a course that is meant to introduce students to the field of computer science. The course covers many different topics, ranging from the history of computing to the ethical implications of technology. While there are no formal prerequisites for the course, it is recommended that students have a strong foundation in high school algebra.



How To Prepare for AP Computer Science

Taking an AP Computer Science course can help you stand out when applying to colleges, but it can also be a lot of work. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to prepare.

First, make sure you brush up on your English skills. This will come in handy when reading and taking notes in class.

Next, review your algebra skills. You’ll need to be comfortable with solving equations and graphing functions.

Finally, take some time to familiarize yourself with precalculus concepts like relations and functions.

By doing some extra prep work, you’ll be ready to tackle anything in the AP Computer Science course.



AP Computer Science Prep Courses



Academic English

Academic English Writing Specialization - University of California, Irvine

The University of California, Irvine, offers a comprehensive Academic English program that helps students improve their writing skills.

The program includes four courses: Grammar and Punctuation, Getting Started with Essay Writing, Advanced Writing, and Introduction to Research for Essay Writing.

In addition to improving writing skills, the Academic English program also provides students with an introduction to research methods and essay writing.

Each course is designed to build upon the skills learned in the previous course, and by the end of the course, students will have a well-rounded understanding of Academic English.



Algebra: Elementary to Advanced – Functions & Applications – Johns Hopkins

Algebra: Elementary to Advanced - Functions & Applications – Johns Hopkins

The Algebra: Elementary to Advanced – Functions & Applications course offered by Johns Hopkins is a great way to prepare for AP Computer Science. The course is 6 hours long and covers topics such as functions, applications, and graphing.



Precalculus: Relations and Functions – Johns Hopkins

Precalculus Relations and Functions – Johns Hopkins

Precalculus: Relations and Functions is offered by Johns Hopkins, and it is a great way to prepare for AP CS. The course is 12 hours long and is divided into four modules.

Module 1 covers basics and common functions, while module 2 deals with equations of lines, quadratics, and more functions. Module 3 covers exponential and logarithmic functions, and module 4 deals with the properties of logarithms.



AP Computer Science Online Course



CS50’s AP® Computer Science Principles

CS50's AP® Computer Science Principles

CS50’s AP® Computer Science Principles is a self-paced online course that teaches students the foundational concepts of computer science. The course covers topics like abstraction, algorithms, data structures, and software engineering. It also introduces students to programming languages like C, Python, and JavaScript.

By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of computer science principles and be able to think algorithmically to solve problems efficiently. Additionally, they will be familiar with a number of programming languages and web development tools.



AP Computer Science A Online Courses



AP Computer Science A: Java Programming

AP Computer Science A Java Programming – Perdue University

AP Computer Science A: Java Programming is a course that focuses on Java programming. In the course, students learn about basic computer hardware, number representations, and Java program structure. It also covers simple input/output, data types and variables, and assignment statements. In addition, it also goes over primitive types and reference types, arithmetic operators, and the Math library. Finally, students will learn about the String class and its methods, the Integer and Double classes, the Boolean type, and relational operators.



AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Classes and Objects

AP Computer Science A Java Programming Classes and Objects – Perdue University

AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Classes and Objects is all about learning to program in Java. In this online course, you’ll learn the basics of programming in Java, including Classes and Objects, Fields and Visibility, Constructors and Mutators, Accessor Methods, Encapsulation, Interfaces, Overriding Methods, and more. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to write your own Java programs and understand how object-oriented programming works.



AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures

Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures

AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structure is an online course that covers topics essential for students planning to take the AP Computer Science A exam. The course begins with a review of basic Java programming before moving on to more advanced topics such as polymorphism and data structures. In addition, the course covers algorithm analysis and Big-O notation, which are key concepts on the AP Computer Science A exam.



AP Computer Science FAQ


Is AP Computer Science Hard?

AP Computer Science can be challenging, but it is not hard. You will need to be able to code and be comfortable with abstract concepts. However, if you are willing to put in the work, you will find that AP Computer Science is a very rewarding experience.


Is AP Computer Science Principles Easier Than AP Computer Science A?

AP computer science principles is an introductory course that is designed to give students a broad overview of computer science concepts. In contrast, AP computer science A is a more advanced course that covers computer science topics in greater depth.


Is AP Computer Science Useful?

Many people believe that computer science is only useful for people who want to work in the tech industry. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Computer science is an in-demand skill that can be used in a variety of industries.

For example, computer science skills can be used to create more efficient processes and systems, troubleshoot problems, and develop new software and applications. In addition, computer science can also be used to analyze data and make better decisions.

So, while it’s true that computer science skills are particularly useful for people who want to work in the tech industry, they can actually be used in a wide range of industries and fields.


Is AP Computer Science Principles Worth It?

AP Computer Science is definitely worth it, especially if you’re interested in programming, web development, or app development.

However, if you’re not sure whether computer science is the right major for you, I would recommend taking AP Computer Science Principles to get a taste of what computer science is like.

The course is designed to be accessible to high school students with no previous computing experience, and it introduces them to the basics of computer science through creative projects and challenges.

So if you end up deciding that computer science isn’t for you, at least you would have gained some valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied to other fields.


Is AP Computer Science a Math Class?

AP Computer Science is not a math class. However, it does require an understanding of mathematical concepts in order to be successful. For example, algorithms and data structures are heavily rooted in mathematics.

Additionally, many colleges look for evidence of strong mathematical skills when reviewing applications from prospective computer science majors. So if you’re interested in pursuing a career in computer science, it’s important that you also take high-level math classes such as calculus and linear algebra.



AP Computer Science A Course Overview

  • Unit 1: Primitive Types
  • Unit 2: Using Objects
  • Unit 3: Boolean Expressions and if Statements
  • Unit 4: Iteration
  • Unit 5: Writing Classes
  • Unit 6: Array
  • Unit 7: ArrayList
  • Unit 8: 2D Array
  • Unit 9: Inheritance
  • Unit 10: Recursion



AP Computer Science Principles Course Overview

  • Big Idea 1: Creative Development
  • Big Idea 2: Data
  • Big Idea 3: Algorithms and Programming
  • Big Idea 4: Computer Systems and Networks
  • Big Idea 5: Impact of Computing